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Changes in the ministerial control over uniformed services

On 9 November 2017, the Sejm passed the law which significantly expanded the control of the Minister for Internal Affairs over subordinate services: the Police, the Border Guard, the State Protection Service and the State Fire Service. In addition to new control powers, the following institutions were established: the Internal Control Inspector (in Polish: Inspektor Nadzoru Wewnętrznego) and the Internal Control Office (in Polish: Biuro Nadzoru Wewnętrznego). Many of the statutory solutions regarding control of the ministry are unprecedented in the Polish legal system.
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Strategic concepts for the Polish Navy in the light of recent maritime incidents.

„If a service does not posses a well defined strategic concept, the public and the political leaders will be confused as to the role of the service, uncertain as to the necessity of its existence and apathetic or hostile to the claims made by the service upon the resources of society.” These are the words from the essay National Policy and The Transoceanic Navy written in 1954 by Samuel P. Huntington. The degree of discussion on the strategy and - as a consequence of its adoption - the future shape of the Polish Navy seems to confirm the words of the American political scientist. The following text analyzes two concepts of Polish Navy modernization and it’s use in the state security system included in documents aspiring to strategic ranks. It is seen through the prism of incidents involving naval forces that have taken place in European waters in recent months.
Read More o Strategic concepts for the Polish Navy in the light of recent maritime incidents.

The Turkish regional conception with regard to the Muslim states

One of the main objectives of the Justice and Development Party (tur. Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi - AKP), which has been ruling Turkey since 2002, was to gain a dominant position in the Islamic cultural realm. Behaving actively in the political, economic and social spheres, the Republic of Turkey has been recognized as the leader of the Muslim world just a decade ago. The key role in this process is attributed to Ahmet Davutoglu, the founder of the new concept of Turkish involvement in the region, then a go-ahead foreign minister. However, the achievements of Turkish diplomacy have been wasted as a result of inconsistent policy during the Arab Spring. Turkey is currently perceived by its Middle Eastern partners as a country that has a negative impact on the state of security in the region. After the failure of its policy in the closest neighborhood, Turkey has been focusing for two years on improving relations with Muslim countries in Africa.
Read More o The Turkish regional conception with regard to the Muslim states

Negocjacje umowy post-Kotonu między Unią Europejską a państwami AKP. Długoterminowe strategie czy doraźne działania?

The current framework of cooperation between the EU and the ACP countries, the Cotonou Agreement, is due to expire in February 2020. The in-group negotiations heldin recent months brought about preliminary coherent negotiation positions of the respective parties. Coherency is, however, conditional. The official negotiation between the EU and the ACPon a new partnership agreement began on the 28thof September. Yet, the tensions have been growing over the negotiation marathon from the very beginning. Both parties stumble upon political obstructions what affects significantly their positions. It seems clear that results of the talks will be affected by contemporary challenges and pressures. An open question is to what extent short-term pressures may overcast long-term objectives.
Read More o Negocjacje umowy post-Kotonu między Unią Europejską a państwami AKP. Długoterminowe strategie czy doraźne działania?

The Agenda 2030 Zero Poverty Goal: High Stakes but Daunting Challenges

In September 2015 the United Nations announced the Agenda 2030, an international guideline for governments, international organizations and other stakeholders to stimulate coherent actions and monitor progress towards the implementation of 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Recognizing chronic poverty as one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, the parties committed themselves to eradicate poverty in all its forms everywhere. However, in practice, the increasing international mobilization does not result in effectiveness. The pace of poverty reduction is slower than expected. The analysis presents the current international efforts, as well as it discusses the challenges faced by the political actors.
Read More o The Agenda 2030 Zero Poverty Goal: High Stakes but Daunting Challenges