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Boko Haram - a part of the terrorist network in Central Africa

Boko Haram ("Western Education is Forbidden"), established in the mid-1990's in the north-eastern Nigeria initially as a sunni-islamic religious group, became in the following years one of the most ruthless and non-compromised armed terrorist units in Central Africa. Using kidnapping for ransom, suicide bombings, robbery, murder and jihadist propaganda, it has been transformed from a local guerrilla group into an international terrorist network asswociated with the Islamic State, seeking to establish an "Islamic State in West Africa Province". Boko Haram’s impact on regional security has been crucial mainly because of its disintegrating influence on the Nigerian state, an important worldwide oil supplier and holder of the status of a hub connecting the Islamic State with Al Qaeda in Africa.
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The Russian Operation in Syria – a Success Story?

Many observers maintain that Russia is currently riding the wave of success, skillfully carrying on a well–developed, comprehensive strategy poised to enlarge the Kremlin’s leverage in the world. This plan is more or less centered on exploiting weaknesses and cracks in the international system and domestic troubles of the individual states. And so, Moscow moves everywhere it sees opportunity to create some commotion, even if it does not always mean gaining a direct advantage. From the involvement in the U.S. 2016 elections, through alleged hostile interference in many regions like Europe or Middle East, to the de facto wars in Ukraine and Syria, Russia is advancing its interests, the narrative goes, as the West’s power and international sway dwindle.
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Russian Military Operation in Syria - a Year On

It is now over a year since the armed forces of the Russian Federation have started their combat mission in Syria with the official goal to help legitimate authorities in Damascus survive against armed insurgency. However, what was apparently supposed to be a rather limited engagement, it has turned into a prolonged and difficult fight. Loudly trumpeted “withdrawal” of the “main part” of the Russian forces in mid-March 2016 is now utterly forgotten.
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Niemiecki projekt rewitalizacji międzynarodowej kontroli zbrojeń

W dniu 25 sierpnia 2016 r. na łamach dziennika „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” opublikowano artykuł ministra spraw zagranicznych RFN Franka-Waltera Steinmeiera (SPD) pt. „Mehr Sicherheit für alle in Europa – Für einen Neustart der Rüstungskontrolle“ (Więcej bezpieczeństwa dla wszystkich w Europie – w stronę rewitalizacji kontroli zbrojeń).
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Szczyt Unii Afrykańskiej: przełomowy zwrot?

W trakcie ostatniego szczytu Unii Afrykańskiej, który odbył się w lipcu 2016 r. w Rwandzie doszło do podjęcia wielu ważnych decyzji. Dotyczą one zarówno samej organizacji, jak również realizacji ambitnych założeń określonych w przyjętym kilka lat temu programie rozwoju Afryki, jakim jest Agenda 2063.
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