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Successful applications of scholars of the Department of National Security in European grants competitions
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Successful applications of scholars of the Department of National Security in European grants competitions

We are pleased to announce that scholars of the Department of National Security will conduct research financed by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe framework programme. Decisions taken in mid-July and early August resulted in grants to finance research projects concerning European security in the Eastern Neighborhood and related to the EU's ability to better understand contemporary China.
Read More o Successful applications of scholars of the Department of National Security in European grants competitions
Dr Wiktor Hebda laureatem III nagrody w XXIV edycji konkursu im. Prof. Remigiusza Bierzanka
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Dr Wiktor Hebda laureatem III nagrody w XXIV edycji konkursu im. Prof. Remigiusza Bierzanka

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że pracownik Katedry Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, dr Wiktor Hebda, został laureatem III nagrody w XXIV edycji konkursu im. Prof. Remigiusza Bierzanka.
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Successful applications of scholars of the Department of National Security in ID.UJ competitions
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Successful applications of scholars of the Department of National Security in ID.UJ competitions

We are pleased to announce that two scholars of the Department of National Security, Dr Dominika Dziwisz and Dr Arkadiusz Nyzio, received grants in competitions organised as part of the strategic programme Excellence Initiative at the Jagiellonian University (ID.UJ).
Read More o Successful applications of scholars of the Department of National Security in ID.UJ competitions