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A. Tyszkiewicz - Chinese Missiles in Zimbabwe

A. Tyszkiewicz - Chinese Missiles in Zimbabwe

After the fall of the Robert Mugabe regime in 2017 and the seizure of power by pro-Chinese Emmerson D. Mnangagwa, the People's Republic of China has reinforced its economic presence and established the military one in the Republic of Zimbabwe. The broad Chinese economic interests, allocated mainly in the mining industry and the energy one, agriculture and infrastructure are accompanied by the deployment of the HQ-9 "surface - to - air missile" system and by building an underground military base where a unit of the Chinese Special Operation Forces is believed to be deployed.

Adrian Tyszkiewicz

ZBN Commentary no. 7 (49) / 2019

23 June 2019

After the fall of the Robert Mugabe regime in 2017 and the seizure of power by pro-Chinese Emmerson D. Mnangagwa, the People's Republic of China has reinforced its economic presence and established the military one in the Republic of Zimbabwe. The broad Chinese economic interests, allocated mainly in the mining industry and the energy one, agriculture and infrastructure are accompanied by the deployment of the HQ-9 "surface - to - air missile" system and by building an underground military base where a unit of the Chinese Special Operation Forces is believed to be deployed. Thus, China inevitably has revitalized once more the Cold - War geostrategic paradigm known as "the domino theory". According to it, the main superpowers compete outside their own core areas in order to protect or gain local market and their resources. China's supreme aim is to become a leader of the poor - developed countries what in its view can lead to the consolidation of the multilateral international order.


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A. Tyszkiewicz - Chińskie rakiety w Zimbabwe