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A. Tyszkiewicz - The Tallinn Mechanism: a Relevant Cybernetic Support for the Ukrainian Critical Infrastructure

A. Tyszkiewicz - The Tallinn Mechanism: a Relevant Cybernetic Support for the Ukrainian Critical Infrastructure

Established in December 2023, the Tallinn Mechanism has become an institutional response collecting a group of NATO allies and partners from the European Union and the private sector actively supporting Ukraine in its defense against Russia's aggressive actions infringing Ukraine’s digital security interests. Attacks by Russian hacker groups linked to GRU military intelligence resulted in the working out of various procedures aiming at a direct and effective response to serious cyber incidents. Consequently, these procedures seek to repair damage caused by cyber attacks and develop long-term capabilities of response, defense and deterrence, including after a prospective end of warfare activities.

Adrian Tyszkiewicz

KBN Commentary no. 2 (113) / 2024

  1.  January 2024

Established in December 2023, the Tallinn Mechanism has become an institutional response collecting a group of NATO allies and partners from the European Union and the private sector actively supporting Ukraine in its defense against Russia's aggressive actions infringing Ukraine’s digital security interests. Attacks by Russian hacker groups linked to GRU military intelligence resulted in the working out of various procedures aiming at a direct and effective response to serious cyber incidents. Consequently, these procedures seek to repair damage caused by cyber attacks and develop long-term capabilities of response, defense and deterrence, including after a prospective end of warfare activities.

Picture Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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A. Tyszkiewicz - Mechanizm Talliński: istotne wsparcie cybernetyczne dla ukraińskiej infrastruktury krytycznej