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International conference organized by the Department of National Security of the Jagiellonian University on the occasion of World Veterans Day

International conference organized by the Department of National Security of the Jagiellonian University on the occasion of World Veterans Day

On June 6-7, 2024, employees and students of the Department of National Security (Institute of Political Science and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University) under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Dariusz Kozerawski organized the first international scientific conference on "Conflicts and crisis response mechanisms in the international security environment" in Krakow. The partner entities of this project were: the Institute of International and Security Studies (University of Wrocław), the Brotherhood of Veterans in Poland, the Association of Veterans of UN Peacekeeping Missions (Unit No. 33 in Krakow), the Association of the Wounded and Injured in Missions Abroad, IMOSPHINX ACADEMY from Belgium and Western Europe for Soldiers of Peace Association.

Prof. Dariusz Kozerawski delivered a scientific paper on Veterans of operations abroad in Poland - challenges and perspectives, which was enriched with a multimedia presentation. Additionally, he chaired the conference's Scientific Committee and moderated scientific sessions. It should be emphasized that veterans of operations abroad from several domestic and foreign associations and organizations, as well as researchers from domestic universities and European research centers, took part in this prestigious undertaking. It is worth emphasizing that the students organized a seminar organized by Prof. Kozerawski and scientific circles (National Security and International Relations) scientific session, which enjoyed great interest. The conference was the next stage of developing cooperation between researchers from the Jagiellonian University with the domestic and foreign community of veterans of international peacekeeping and stabilization operations.
