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The Professor of the Department of National Security of the Jagiellonian University with a speech on Veterans Day at the Central Military Library in Warsaw

The Professor of the Department of National Security of the Jagiellonian University with a speech on Veterans Day at the Central Military Library in Warsaw

Prof. Ph.D. On May 28, 2024, Dariusz Kozerawski (Department of National Security, Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University) took part in an international national scientific conference on "The role and place of the Association of UN Peacekeeping Veterans in the society of the first half of the 21st century", organized by Association of Veterans of UN Peacekeeping Missions (UN SKMP) at the Central Military Library in Warsaw.

Prof. Dariusz Kozerawski delivered a scientific paper on "Polish veterans of missions abroad - challenges and prospects", which was enriched with a multimedia presentation. Additionally, he sat on the scientific committee of the conference. It should be emphasized that veterans of operations abroad from several associations and non-governmental organizations as well as researchers from numerous national universities and research centers took part in this prestigious undertaking. Prof. Kozerawski was honored by the president of the UN SKMP, General Stanisław Woźniak, with the "Medal of the Association of UN Peacekeeping Veterans" for his scientific and social activities for the benefit of the veteran community in Poland.
