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Participation of Prof. Artur Gruszczak in an international scientific conference in Lisbon

Participation of Prof. Artur Gruszczak in an international scientific conference in Lisbon

Prof. Artur Gruszczak, head of the Department of National Security, at the invitation of the Director of the Portuguese Institute of National Defense (Instituto da Defesa Nacional) took part in the international scientific conference "NATO and Euro-Atlantic Security in a Geopolitically Competitive World". The conference was organized to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Prof. Artur Gruszczak, head of the Department of National Security, at the invitation of the Director of the Portuguese Institute of National Defense (Instituto da Defesa Nacional)  took part in the international scientific conference "NATO and Euro-Atlantic Security in a Geopolitically Competitive World". The conference was organized to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It took place in Lisbon on the 17th of June, 2024. Professor Gruszczak had a presentation in the panel on "Euro-Atlantic Strategic Priorities". He discuss the role of technology in the process of transformation of the North Atlantic Alliance and in the development of defense capabilities of the Allies.