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Determinants of fire safety in the context of an escape room fire in Koszalin

Determinants of fire safety in the context of an escape room fire in Koszalin

The commentary takes up the issue of fire protection as part of the state’s internal security management. Taking safety management as a systemic process, the author points out the need not only to create law, or to increase criminal sanctions for non-compliance with fire regulations, but also to establish a task-oriented institutional cooperation, with the involvement of people who are users of public facilities. Presenting the determinants referring to the need to increase education for safety and the binding of compulsory insurance of buildings with the actual fire safety status, the author applies the concept of a systemic, rather than focused safety management. The latter’s efficiency and effectiveness is definitely lower and more costly.
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M. Kolaszyński - The increase in salaries to uniformed services - a systemic or departmental solution?

M. Kolaszyński - The increase in salaries to uniformed services - a systemic or departmental solution?

In the last months, one of the main problems of the state security policy in Poland has been the salary level in uniformed services. The Council of Ministers determines an average remuneration to officers in the same way but separately for each of the thirteen services. However, the difference in the officers’ salaries in particular services raises the question of criteria which the government applies to the salary policy.
Read More o M. Kolaszyński - The increase in salaries to uniformed services - a systemic or departmental solution?
A. Gruszczak - Joint EU Intelligence School – a real asset or an empty shell?

A. Gruszczak - Joint EU Intelligence School – a real asset or an empty shell?

Attentive observers of European security were electrified by the news about a project of establishing a Joint European Union Intelligence School as part of the Permanent Structural Cooperation within the Common European Security and Defence Policy. This proposal was made on 19 November 2018 in Brussels at the meeting of ministers of defence and foreign affairs of EU member states. Ministers from the 25 countries participating in the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) adopted 17 new projects on security and defense. One of them refers to the initiative of a Joint EU Intelligence School (JEIS). Media specializing in European topics immediately spread out this information, seeking to impress the public with the image of a "spy school" or "EU intelligence academy". The JEIS project illustrates the needs and limitations of EU cooperation in the field of security and defence and at the same time points to the challenges and threats that Member States must confront in the coming years. However, it raises many doubts regarding its conceptual bases and possibilities of their implementation.
Read More o A. Gruszczak - Joint EU Intelligence School – a real asset or an empty shell?
B. Kosowski - Collecting and storing waste in the context of internal security

B. Kosowski - Collecting and storing waste in the context of internal security

Fires in landfill sites that occurred recently brought not only large losses to the environment, but also pointed to the need of strengthening law as well as the activities of approppriate security authorities in regard to preventing such events in the future. Therefore, this commentary refers to the provisions of the amended Waste Act, in force for less than one month, in which new tasks for entrepreneurs have been included with reference to collecting and storing waste. The commentary highlights selected aspect of the implementation of normative measures, as well as contains proposals of improving legal regulations in the context of the effectiveness of security bodies assigned with responsibilities in the given scope. This has a direct impact on the state of internal security.
Read More o B. Kosowski - Collecting and storing waste in the context of internal security
J. Niemiec - What impact can the killing of a Saudi journalist have on the balance of power in the Middle East?

J. Niemiec - What impact can the killing of a Saudi journalist have on the balance of power in the Middle East?

The killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Saudi Arabia’s Istanbul consulate caused another friction in the diplomatic relations between Ankara and Riyadh. The reaction of the Saudi authorities, which confirmed the death of a prominent journalist only after Turkish side had published irrefutable evidences, has been criticized internationally. The government in Ankara hopes that the Khashoggi case will lead to the decline of Saudi Arabia's importance in world politics, which in turn will allow Turkey to take over the role of a leader of Muslim countries. Hence, the actions of the Turks are intended to portray the Sauds as bloody despots who are brutally murdering their own citizens. However, it is highly unlikely that these accusations would prompt the United States (Saudi Arabia’s most important ally in the region) to cut off relations with the House of Saud.
Read More o J. Niemiec - What impact can the killing of a Saudi journalist have on the balance of power in the Middle East?