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Wywiad Błażeja Sajduka dla portalu CyberDefence24
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Wywiad Błażeja Sajduka dla portalu CyberDefence24

W portalu poświęconym zagadnieniom cyberbezpieczeństwa CyberDefence24 ukazał się w dniu 4 listopada 2020 roku wywiad z dr. Błażejem Sajdukiem pod tytułem: Amerykanie „odbijają” Europę Chinom. Polska między „młotem a kowadłem”. Tematyka poruszona w wywiadzie dotyczyła rywalizacji technologicznej Stanów Zjednoczonych z Chińską Republiką Ludową, koncepcji bałkanizacji Internetu, cyfrowych stref wpływów, technologicznego nacjonalizmu, cyfrowej suwerenności, a także technologii 5G.
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Dr. Błażej Sajduk awarded with distinction in the Teaching Slam 2020 competition
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Dr. Błażej Sajduk awarded with distinction in the Teaching Slam 2020 competition

On October 27, 2020, the final of the Teaching Slam 2020 competition took place at the Jagiellonian University. It aimed at improving the quality of teaching at the Jagiellonian University and presenting best practices in student's education. The participants of the competition were to prepare an 8-minute-long presentation in which they shared an innovative technique or a didactic method or an idea for improving the quality of education. The presentation by Dr. Błażej Sajduk described two universal techniques for motivating students and encouraging them to formulate their own scientific queries. It was qualified for the finals. The Jury awarded Dr. Sajduk with distinction. In addition, Dr. Sajduk received the Audience Award for the best presentation during the Slam.
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Dr Błażej Sajduk on the 5G technology
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Dr Błażej Sajduk on the 5G technology

On November 13th, 2020, Dr. Błażej Sajduk was a guest of Radio Kraków, where he talked about challenges for international security posed by 5G technology and the process of "Balkanization" of the Internet. In the conversation he also explained the author's concept of political ‘zones of digital influence’. The issues of US-Polish relations and technological sovereignty were also raised during the discussion.
Read More o Dr Błażej Sajduk on the 5G technology