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B. Kosowski - The impact of inspections of protective structures and shelters on improving the safety of society in the face of bomb attacks

B. Kosowski - The impact of inspections of protective structures and shelters on improving the safety of society in the face of bomb attacks

This commentary concerns the recent activities related to the operational inspection of shelters and temporary hiding places for the population of Poland. This is the result of the ongoing war in the immediate vicinity of Poland’s borders and the possibility of the proliferation of the armed conflict to other Eastern European countries. In view of the stagnation in the field of systemic solutions to the discussed problem, it is necessary to adopt a concept and directions of the action concerning the regulation of the issues covered by this commentary.

Bogdan Kosowski

KBN Commentary no. 12 (101) / 2022

14 November 2022

This commentary concerns the recent activities related to the operational inspection of shelters and temporary hiding places for the population of Poland. This is the result of the ongoing war in the immediate vicinity of Poland’s borders and the possibility of the proliferation of the armed conflict to other Eastern European countries. In view of the stagnation in the field of systemic solutions to the discussed problem, it is necessary to adopt a concept and directions of the action concerning the regulation of the issues covered by this commentary. The undertaken inventory activities, which may confirm the poor condition of the objects in question, should contribute to pragmatic actions in response to the question: What direction should be taken to give protection to the population against conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction in the event of hostilities? The answer to this question will open the perspective of normative, organizational and technical solutions to the problem of shelters and temporary hiding places, which has remained unsolved in Poland for many years.

Picture credit: Pixabay.

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B. Kosowski - Wpływ przeglądów budowli ochronnych i schronów na poprawę bezpieczeństwa społeczeństwa w obliczu ataków bombowych