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M. Czajkowski - The 2019 Missile Defense Review – Old Content in a New Package

M. Czajkowski - The 2019 Missile Defense Review – Old Content in a New Package

The 2019 Missile Defence Review is a basic document which describes the defensive posture of the United States towards the threat posed by ballistic and cruise missiles. Assessing this threat, it points to various developments, from the increasing resurgence of Russia and China to the proliferation of ballistic and cruise missiles throughout the world. The hypersonic missiles and anti-satellite weapons are mentioned as well in this context.
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M. Kolaszyński - Theoretically safe mass events

M. Kolaszyński - Theoretically safe mass events

In recent years, many mass events have been organized in Poland including such spectacular events as: the UEFA European Football Championship in 2012, the Men's Volleyball World Championship in 2014 or the World Youth Day in 2016 in Krakow. The Act on mass events safety has been in force for ten years. The Supreme Audit Office (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli, NIK) has recently prepared a report on the application of this act.
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A. Nyzio - The Counterterrorist Service of the Polish Police

A. Nyzio - The Counterterrorist Service of the Polish Police

On April 5, 2019, a new amendment to the act on the Police came into force. It created the sixth type of service within the Police – the counterterrorist service. This is another important change regarding Poland's internal security introduced by the government of the Law and Justice party, and at the same time one of the few that the opposition unanimously supported. This is also another significant step in the construction of the Polish antiterrorist subsystem.
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The future of the Middle East: reflections after the Sochi summit

The future of the Middle East: reflections after the Sochi summit

On February 14, 2019 the presidents of Russia, Turkey and Iran met in Sochi to discuss ways of ensuring peace in the Middle East. According to official statements, the main topic of the talks was devoted to the situation in Syria, but Putin, Erdogan and Rouhani debated on other important issues, including ethnic clashes in Iraq and Lebanon.
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A. Nyzio - Municipal guards and the protection of borough leaders and mayors - proposed changes

A. Nyzio - Municipal guards and the protection of borough leaders and mayors - proposed changes

The reform of municipal guards draws near. Since 2017 the government has been working on a regulation which could solve the problem of decreasing number of guards units. Now another far-reaching idea has joined the long list of proposals. In connection with the murder of the president of Gdańsk, representatives of the self-governments brought up the idea of assigning new tasks to the guards. Due to this change the guards would be responsible for protecting borough leaders and mayors.
Read More o A. Nyzio - Municipal guards and the protection of borough leaders and mayors - proposed changes