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China: A Strategy of Naval Dominance

Growing tensions at the Korean peninsula have focused attention of the international community. In the meantime some other disturbing processes have been initiated in the region of south-east Asia. The new Chinese defense strategy announced in 2015 emphasizes the role of the naval capabilities. A new approach in the Chinese strategic thinking carries more than just a symbolic meaning. It is a part of the massive campaign aiming at an uncontested regional domination. Comprehensive strategy of Beijing includes coordinated efforts embedded in economic, military and diplomatic domains. Some benchmarks have been crossed this year by China in the sphere of regional economy. The world’s biggest off-shore drilling platform Blue Whale 1 installed at the South China Sea raised high tensions between Hanoi and Beijing. Chinese aggressive economic policies are backed up by robust naval development plans. Maritime domain plays a key role in Beijing’s anti access/ area denial plans. Such capability effectively renders impossible any third party involvement in a potential military crisis in this region. Beijing consequently proceeds towards complete domination of the South China Sea .
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Polish Government Protection Bureau and The Marshal's Guard - Possible reforms

The Polish Parliament has been currently working on a reform of institutions responsible for protection of public figures and government buildings. The Government Protection Bureau is to be replaced by the State Security Service, an institution equipped with wider tasks and larger competences. The Marshal's Guard responsible for keeping order in the parliament is also to be enlarged and strengthened. Although the bills passed the first reading, it remains uncertain whether they will come into force. In particular, it is possible that the president will veto establishing of the State Security Service. Major controversies surrounded the debate, primarily concerning the issue of surveillance. At the same time, the debate lacked wider, systemic approach, and the Polish political elite once again proved that they are largely unprepared for substantive discussion on internal security.
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Group G6 reactivation ?

The meeting of Ministers of Internal Affairs in Seville on the 16th of October 2017 has confirmed the tendency towards the development of parallel processes of political decision making in matters of internal security, public order and protection of external borders of the EU. The consultations in the framework of the G6 Group have been accompanying political debates and legislative works in the EU’s institutions and bodies. Moreover, they reflect the positon of the EU’s six biggest member states. Reactivation of the G6 format proves that the European Union has tended towards renationalisation of the politics of internal security and afirmation of national interest of its members.
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Seminarium "Komu potrzebny jest Kaukaz?"

Instytut Nauk Politycznych i Stosunków Międzynarodowych UJ we współpracy z dwumiesięcznikiem "Nowa Europa Wschodnia" zaprasza do wzięcia udziału w seminarium poświęconym bieżącej sytuacji politycznej oraz uwarunkowaniom międzynarodowym Kaukazu Południowego.
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Russian Carrier Limping Towards the Syrian Coast

One of the headlines (and a common ridicule) of recent weeks was the passage of the Russian carrier battle group from the Barents Sea all the way to the Eastern Mediterranean.However, the significance of this force, from the point of view of combat capabilities compared to declared tasks, is at least questionable. Nevertheless they are coming, so the question, often asked, is: why?
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