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W. Hebda - Kuda ideš Srbijo?: Will Serbia's strategic partnership with Russia survive in the aftermath of the Russian aggression against Ukraine?

W. Hebda - Kuda ideš Srbijo?: Will Serbia's strategic partnership with Russia survive in the aftermath of the Russian aggression against Ukraine?

During the last few weeks, we have witnessed events which  given the experiences of the Europeans throughout the 20th century  appear unimaginable or just senseless. This refers to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, which turned into a war taking many lives every day. In this context, a diversified international reaction has also been noticeable. Most countries support the maintenance of Ukraine's territorial integrity and condemn the actions of the Russian state. Of course, there are also countries that try to maintain a neutral approach to the events in Ukraine, while few support Russia. Consequently, it is worth paying attention especially to those countries which, for various reasons, have remained in close alliance with Russia. The Republic of Serbia is certainly one of them.

Wiktor Hebda

KBN Commentary no. 7 (96) / 2022        

31 March 2022

During the last few weeks, we have witnessed events which - given the experiences of the Europeans throughout the 20th century - appear unimaginable or just senseless. This refers to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, which turned into a war taking many lives every day. In this context, a diversified international reaction has also been noticeable. Most countries support the maintenance of Ukraine's territorial integrity and condemn the actions of the Russian state. Of course, there are also countries that try to maintain a neutral approach to the events in Ukraine, while few support Russia. Consequently, it is worth paying attention especially to those countries which, for various reasons, have remained in close alliance with Russia. The Republic of Serbia is certainly one of them.

Picture credit: Crimean News Agency

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W. Hebda - Kuda ideš Srbijo? – czy strategiczne partnerstwo Serbii z Rosją przetrwa w następstwie rosyjskiej agresji na Ukrainę?