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M. Czajkowski - The Syrian-Turkish Conflictand its Implications for Russia

M. Czajkowski - The Syrian-Turkish Conflictand its Implications for Russia

The Syrian government’s offensive against the last important rebel stronghold in the Idlib province has resulted in skirmishes between the Turkish Armed Forces (Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri – TSK) present in the area and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) with its affiliated forces. The situation on the ground is still in development, but we believe that it may contribute to important changes in the landscape of the Syrian war, which most probably is drawing to the end of its current phase. We may also be witnessing a pivotal point of the Russian intervention in Syria. This commentary is intendedto briefly assess the current events and present some possible future scenarios of the conflict, with special attention to the role of Russia.
Read More o M. Czajkowski - The Syrian-Turkish Conflictand its Implications for Russia
A. Nyzio - On the fusion of special services

A. Nyzio - On the fusion of special services

The post-election period in the Polish internal security apparatus was marked by the Marian Banaś affair. This case once again illustrated how leaky, or entirely absent, security procedures are, and that the coordination of specialized institutions remains seriously flawed. The weakness of intelligence services prompted a further discussion concerning the necessity of reform. Some sort of merger is one of the options under consideration.
Read More o A. Nyzio - On the fusion of special services
D. Kozerawski - The armaments programs of the Russian Federation – In the context of modernization plans for the land forces

D. Kozerawski - The armaments programs of the Russian Federation – In the context of modernization plans for the land forces

The Russian Federation's security policy and the related strengthening of its international position include among the most important factors the military potential of the state. Modern armed forces are a necessary tool for their effective conduct. In order to ensure the high efficiency of the army, the Russian Federation has been gradually increasing financial expenditures on development, production and supply of weapons under different state defense programs (SDP).
Read More o D. Kozerawski - The armaments programs of the Russian Federation – In the context of modernization plans for the land forces
P. Bajor - A gas compromise between Ukraine and Russia?

P. Bajor - A gas compromise between Ukraine and Russia?

On December 20, 2019, Ukraine and Russia, with the participation of representatives of the European Commission, signed a protocol on the settlement of gas disputes and the extension of gas transit through Ukraine after 2019. The signing of the protocol is the result of many rounds of negotiations held in recent months between both sides.
Read More o P. Bajor - A gas compromise between Ukraine and Russia?
A. Gruszczak - European Defence: Opportunities and Challenges

A. Gruszczak - European Defence: Opportunities and Challenges

European defence has been a topical issue for decades. Nowadays strategy and politics of European defence must cope with numerous challenges, risks and threats: both traditional and modern ones. They are rather of a political and normative nature than material or technological. Hence, elaborating on the topic of today’s debate, challenges and opportunities of the European defence, this commentary addresses three specific issues: the vexed logic of European security; the leadership dilemma; and the political economy of the EU’s CSDP.
Read More o A. Gruszczak - European Defence: Opportunities and Challenges