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P. Frankowski - The European Space Programme 2018

P. Frankowski - The European Space Programme 2018

The new space strategy for Europe adopted in October 2016 and a joint statement by the European Union and the European Space Agency provided a new impetus for the establishment of a European space program that would integrate the existing EU space programs (Galileo, Copernicus, EGNOS) and the EU’s activities in the space. The new space program, the proposal of which was announced in June 2018, aims, on the one hand, to simplify and harmonize the Union acquis regarding space activities, on the other hand is a step towards the creation of a new European Union Agency for the Space Program. However, the EU's action should be read primarily in the context of challenges from the international environment, the growing role of Chinese private companies in the space sector and changes in the American doctrine of the use of space.
Read More o P. Frankowski - The European Space Programme 2018
M. Czajkowski - The S-300s for the Syrian Army – a Bluff or a Game-Changer?

M. Czajkowski - The S-300s for the Syrian Army – a Bluff or a Game-Changer?

In October 2018 the Kremlin decided to provide the Syrian Arab Army with the sophisticated air defence system S-300. As of mid-November much is still unknown about key characteristics of the given variant and of the number and location of its elements. It is, however, often said, especially in the Russian media, that this weapon has the potential to prevent Israeli Air Force from attacking the Iranian targets in Syria. Furthermore, many experts draw the opposite conclusions, pointing at political, operational and technical constrains of utility of the S-300s in the Syrian airspace.
Read More o M. Czajkowski - The S-300s for the Syrian Army – a Bluff or a Game-Changer?
A. Nyzio - The reform of the National Revenue Administration and postulates of the customs officers’ trade union

A. Nyzio - The reform of the National Revenue Administration and postulates of the customs officers’ trade union

The prepared reform of the National Revenue Administration is another important change in the field of internal security brought up by the government formed by the Law and Justice party. After nineteen months of the institution's operation, the ruling party decided to give it new powers. Meanwhile, the customs officers’ trade union is preparing for a nationwide protest. The officers aim at convincing the public opinion that the institution’s condition deviates from the government’s rhetoric.
Read More o A. Nyzio - The reform of the National Revenue Administration and postulates of the customs officers’ trade union
B. Kosowski - Determinanty zarządzania gospodarki odpadami wpływające na stan bezpieczeństwa środowiskowego

B. Kosowski - Determinanty zarządzania gospodarki odpadami wpływające na stan bezpieczeństwa środowiskowego

Inspiracją do napisania niniejszego komentarza jest troska o otaczające nas środowisko naturalne, wynikająca z własnych, codziennych obserwacji, komentarzy pojawiających się w okresie rozpoczynającej się wiosny w środkach masowego przekazu oraz nowelizacji ustaw z 2017 i 2018 r. o odpadach, czy też gospodarce odpadami.
Read More o B. Kosowski - Determinanty zarządzania gospodarki odpadami wpływające na stan bezpieczeństwa środowiskowego
P. Bajor - The Korean summit: a breakthrough or a tactical game?

P. Bajor - The Korean summit: a breakthrough or a tactical game?

After many weeks of preparation, on April 27, 2018, a meeting of the leaders of the two Korean states: South Korean President Moon Jae-in and The Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, was held in Panmundzon. During the summit, many important declarations on nuclear disarmament, the signing of a peace treaty and de-escalation of tension on Korean Peninsula were made. The coming months, however, will verify their credibility and fulfilment of the adopted arrangements.
Read More o P. Bajor - The Korean summit: a breakthrough or a tactical game?