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M. Szymański - Chinese market for military drones - setting the trends for the future

M. Szymański - Chinese market for military drones - setting the trends for the future

At the end of last year China used the opportunity of the Global Fortune Forum (December 2017, Guangzhou) to amaze the world with the sophistication of technology it can produce. In one of the shows celebrating that event, a group of more than 1000 small drones performed an airshow basing on a sequence of several formation flights. The coordinated flight of 1108 drones set a new world record to China.
Read More o M. Szymański - Chinese market for military drones - setting the trends for the future

The issue of NATO membership in the Finnish presidential election campaign

One of the hottest topics during the presidential campaign in Finland was the possibility of accession to NATO. Although the vast majority of candidates were against joining the organization, a debate between politicians and experts on the defence and security policy began. Proponents of deepening Helsinki's relationship with NATO will have to convince citizens of the benefits of the alliance. According to recent opinion polls, more than half of the Finnish population support maintaining the constitutional principle of neutrality. However, the situation may change in the near future. Especially if Russia will pursue an aggressive policy in the region. The newly elected Finnish president Sauli Niinistö announced that many alternatives to some changes in defense policy are taken into account. It should be noted that Sweden, as a strategic ally, will have an influence on Finland's decision in this matter.
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Is the end of the municipal guard coming?

The number of municipal (city) guard units in Poland is decreasing. For the time being, the scale of the phenomenon is limited yet noticeable. The condition of this institution is affected not only by image problems and changes in law, but also by police vacancies. According to press reports, the "second wave of liquidation of the guard" is underway. Is this institution really doomed or is it scheduled for revolutionary changes? The author argues that, at least pro tempore, the rumours about the end of the institution are an exaggeration.
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A Tactical Thaw on the Korean Peninsula

Important sporting events are often intertwined with the world of politics and constitute a background for important decisions on the international stage. Such a situation has been currently happening on the Korean Peninsula, in connection with the ongoing XXIII Winter Olympics 2018 in Pyeongchang. The Olympic Games contributed to the reduction of high tension, which was the result of North Korea’s provocative nuclear policy in the last year. However, the observed thaw in the relations between North Korea and South Korea has only a tactical meaning and no major changes in Pyongyang’s policy can be expected in foreseeable future.
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Russian Influence in Syria is Poised to Diminish

As we have argued many times, Russia intends to stay in Syria indefinitely to exert its influence throughout the Middle East. But the Kremlin does not intend to patch up a permanent solution to bring lasting order and tranquility to the region. Moscow’s actions do not indicate any long-term political strategy of that sort – conversely, it seems that the Russians are rather gearing up for a prolonged low-intensity conflict.
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