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A. Gruszczak - Polish special services awaiting a new opening

A. Gruszczak - Polish special services awaiting a new opening

The situation that emerged in Poland after the parliamentary elections of 15 October 2023 reflects the need for a fundamental transformation of state institutions and public administration. The problem of changes in the system of secret services and security institutions equipped with intelligence competences is particularly important. This commentary outlines the context of these changes and sets six priorities for the reform of the Polish secret services.
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B. Kosowski - The impact of the communication with the public on the efficiency of the crisis management system

B. Kosowski - The impact of the communication with the public on the efficiency of the crisis management system

The commentary refers to the process of communication with the public during a crisis situation provoked by the incident of a Russian rocket that fell near the city of Bydgoszcz. The commentary points to the basic elements of the communication process which directly affect the efficiency of the functioning crisis management system.
Read More o B. Kosowski - The impact of the communication with the public on the efficiency of the crisis management system
Konferencja naukowa "W służbie pokoju – mechanizmy reagowania kryzysowego w międzynarodowym środowisku bezpieczeństwa"

Konferencja naukowa "W służbie pokoju – mechanizmy reagowania kryzysowego w międzynarodowym środowisku bezpieczeństwa"

W dniu 26.05.2023 r. miała miejsce konferencja naukowa "W służbie pokoju – mechanizmy reagowania kryzysowego w międzynarodowym środowisku bezpieczeństwa", zorganizowana przez Katedrę Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego UJ przy współpracy z podmiotami partnerskimi: Wojskowym Instytutem Technicznym Uzbrojenia w Zielonce, Bractwem Weteranów w Polsce, Stowarzyszeniem Kombatantów Misji Pokojowych ONZ – Koło nr 33 w Krakowie, Stowarzyszeniem Rannych i Poszkodowanych w Misjach poza Granicami Kraju oraz Kołem Naukowym Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego UJ. Konferencja została zorganizowana z okazji Dnia Weterana Działań Poza Granicami Państwa.
Read More o Konferencja naukowa "W służbie pokoju – mechanizmy reagowania kryzysowego w międzynarodowym środowisku bezpieczeństwa"
D. Dziwisz - The Goals of the Russian (Cyber)Gray Zone Activities in Ukraine

D. Dziwisz - The Goals of the Russian (Cyber)Gray Zone Activities in Ukraine

International conflicts arise from contradictory interests that accumulate over time, and gray zone activities can be seen as part of a larger conflict cycle that can lead to both escalation and de-escalation. A well-managed conflict in the gray zone should be able to produce strategic outcomes, but in the case of the Russia-Ukraine conflict it has gone way beyond the gray zone. The shift from a gray zone to open conflict in Ukraine offers new perspectives for examining to what extent countries may utilize and compete in the gray zone in the future, and about the levels of the threshold of aggression.
Read More o D. Dziwisz - The Goals of the Russian (Cyber)Gray Zone Activities in Ukraine
P. Orłowski - Effectors are effectors... and where is the most important link?

P. Orłowski - Effectors are effectors... and where is the most important link?

In the discourse on security in the broadest sense, a trend has become noticeable for some time, which puts modern technological solutions in the central point of consideration of the processes taking place in the security aspect, as if forgetting the role of the human factor. This commentary is an attempt to show that it is the human being, the human factor, which still is, and should be, the key element for considering security in the broadest sense.
Read More o P. Orłowski - Effectors are effectors... and where is the most important link?