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M. Czajkowski - Russia in Syria, Year Five – Things Just Got Complicated

M. Czajkowski - Russia in Syria, Year Five – Things Just Got Complicated

In September 2019, the Russian intervention in Syria has entered its fifth year. Usually, it is portrayed as the successful military-political operation which gave the Kremlin a position of the main Middle Eastern power. It has also, as it is commonly believed, augmented Moscow’s international position as an influential world power. All of this is true to a certain degree; however, the situation is not as bright as it would seem, and far from being perpetuated. Of course, Russians are in Syria to stay, but their situation may not be as favourable as it appears.
Read More o M. Czajkowski - Russia in Syria, Year Five – Things Just Got Complicated
M. Kolaszyński - „Osiodłać Pegaza” – a proposal to reform oversight of intelligence services

M. Kolaszyński - „Osiodłać Pegaza” – a proposal to reform oversight of intelligence services

In September 2019, a document “’Osiodłać Pegaza’ Przestrzeganie praw obywatelskich w działalności służb specjalnych – założenia reformy” [To saddle the Pegasus: The observance of civil rights in the activities of special services] prepared under the auspices of the Polish Ombudsman was published. That diversified group of experts analyzed the problems from a broader perspective, taking into account matters related to national security, protection of human rights, and state control. This commentary contains an evaluation of the proposal to establish an independent oversight body for surveillance activities of Polish intelligence services.
Read More o M. Kolaszyński - „Osiodłać Pegaza” – a proposal to reform oversight of intelligence services
B. Kosowski - Insurance as a determinant of reconstruction after a catastrophic event

B. Kosowski - Insurance as a determinant of reconstruction after a catastrophic event

The issues dealt with in this commentary refer to the need to introduce compulsory insurance against natural catastrophic events Poland. The need to introduce insurance in connection with the national security system has become essential due to the increasing number and frequency of natural hazards.
Read More o B. Kosowski - Insurance as a determinant of reconstruction after a catastrophic event
A. Nyzio - Surveillance in Poland A.D. 2018

A. Nyzio - Surveillance in Poland A.D. 2018

Each year in summer the Polish Ministry of Justice and the Public Prosecutor General, as well as telecommunication and software companies, publish information concerning surveillance in Poland in the previous year. It is worth taking a closer look at statistics on obtaining user data, wiretapping, and correspondence control, to evaluate and illustrate forms, scale and trends of surveillance.
Read More o A. Nyzio - Surveillance in Poland A.D. 2018
A. Tyszkiewicz - Chinese Missiles in Zimbabwe

A. Tyszkiewicz - Chinese Missiles in Zimbabwe

After the fall of the Robert Mugabe regime in 2017 and the seizure of power by pro-Chinese Emmerson D. Mnangagwa, the People's Republic of China has reinforced its economic presence and established the military one in the Republic of Zimbabwe. The broad Chinese economic interests, allocated mainly in the mining industry and the energy one, agriculture and infrastructure are accompanied by the deployment of the HQ-9 "surface - to - air missile" system and by building an underground military base where a unit of the Chinese Special Operation Forces is believed to be deployed.
Read More o A. Tyszkiewicz - Chinese Missiles in Zimbabwe